The Weekly: 02 October 2013

GTA 5 hope for gaming, Google buys Bump, Ikea sells solar panels, HP Chromebook 11, Leica ala-Ive

Grand Theft Auto 5 Hits Record USD 1B
One freaking billion in sales, in 3 days. This is an insane record that made COD Black Ops 2 looks like child's play. Of course GTA is one of the better sandbox games in history, but is there a possibility the reason for this massive profit originated from the fact that it's not available in PC (since PC is the main platform for piracy anyway)?

This proves that gaming is so not dead. Developers would just need to find ways to reignite the passion in gamers again. 

Google Buys Bump
If you remember this familiar name Bump, it's a very old company since the early iOS days. It allows two smart devices with the app to literally bump their devices with each other to trigger a wireless transfer of files and data.

It may seem rather weird for Google to buy such an old-school app at this time especially when there's NFC and iBeacon taking the world over. But Bump might just work for devices that will have neither NFC nor iBeacon. It may allow wearable devices without built-in NFCs to pay for coffee via Google Wallet.

Ikea Starts Selling Solar Panels
Apart from local subsidies and how much energy it would take to create these panels versus how much each panel can contribute to the consumer, the idea of Ikea is starting to sell them in their stores is amazing. What makes it more awesome is the fact that Ikea will being to everyone self-assemble(able) solar panels.

It's now only available in some parts of Europe and soon to the rest of the world, provided local power companies will not bar them from entrance. But knowing Ikea they may breakdown before you can make back in power savings. It's a start though.

HP Chromebook 11 Launches
By far the most awesome looking Chromebook, apart from the Pixel. It's got a white base with Googly-colored accents. Underneath it is the same as the Samsung Chromebook, except that it's got a micro-USB charger, which is by far the most awesome part of this machine. I hope it comes to Malaysia very soon. 

Leica ala-Ives
The camera, in my honest opinion, looks like a disaster. Leicas are suppose to look classic and timeless. This one looks lost, trying and failed. BUT it is an awesome initiative for Bono's RED Project, the Global Fund to fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria. There's only one unit of this M series and it will cost somewhere between USD 500,000 to USD 750,000, which will be auctioned in New York on November 23. 

Apple's RED Project support is the most awesomest thing ever.

Disney Makes Feeling For Touchscreen
By using different voltages, Disney is able to create the perception of friction and groove when the user touches a completely flat display screen. This will bring real 3D to screens, which will immensely help in online shopping and keyboard typing (and gaming on touchscreen).

What will be more incredible is if someone can use this technology to create an app that will work with Google StreetView to project the road ahead for visually impaired people to walk with. Good job, Disney. You are making dreams come true again. 

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